
As a Caribbean-American, my roots have always been intertwined with the vibrant carnival culture. It wasn’t until adulthood that I delved deeper into the intricacies of carnival, discovering a creative calling along the way. Motivated by this newfound passion, I decided to establish a platform, aiming to impart my knowledge and share my experiences with those eager to dive into this rich cultural tapestry.

My mission involves educating not only enthusiastic carnival newcomers, but also seasoned veterans and ambitious creatives. I find immense joy in creating, and hope that you will join me in unraveling the layers of carnival culture, as we explore, learn, and celebrate together.

Hi, I'm Sha!

Check Out Our Latest Articles:

Antigua Carnival 2023 Full Recap

Antigua’s Carnival has been running officially since 1957. Their summer carnival festival lasts approximately two weeks, with the kick-off starting annually in late July with various pageants.

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Collecting Your Carnival Costume

Let’s be real, things don’t always go as planned. I walk into every mas camp being a realist. Meaning, I go into the situation with an understanding that there is a possibility that I may be spending more time there than I’d like to.

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How to Choose Your Monday-Wear Look

In recent years, however, Monday-wear looks have become far more elaborate. A Monday-wear themed event is an opportunity for folks to get creative and express their personality through their fashion choices.

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