
Boston Carnival…Yay or Nay?


To go, or not to go? That is ALWAYS the question; committing to Boston Carnival is such a hard thing to do. Do I really want to drive 4 hours each way for a mediocre carnival experience? If I do go its I honestly just to spend time with my friends and Beantown family. I skipped Boston Carnival 2014 because I was still vexed from the horrible fete experience the year before. The road is nothing to get excited about (unless you’re drunk) especially since Babylon dem keep putting up restriction after restriction. Like REALLY people…no powder? Steupps. Im honestly quite surprised that they are still allowing this carnival to go on.


But to answer my own question…yes, I will be in attendance. I mean can I really resist when my Whatsapp inbox is blowing up with a ton of “I’m in”, “yeah I’m goin” and “I’ll be there” confirmations? No, I can’t possibly miss the Snake Oil Crew/No Behavior Massive reunion. After all, I need to run this carnival marathon straight through since it will be my last hoorah before the big move. Let’s see what Boston brings this time. Y’all pray for nonstop weekend vibes please and thank you.


…Sha Sha signing out nice!