
Group Chats 101

Everyone who knows me well is very much aware of my group chat addiction. The most popular question I get from people who are not familiar with the chat life is “how do you get into these chats?”. So with that question, and many others I thought, “sounds like a vlog post!”


Let me give you a synopsis on group chats below. Check the video above to get the full picture:



What Platforms Are Used for Group Chats?

The most popular platform to host group chats in my circle of friends and associates is WhatsApp; although, I do believe some folks are still using GroupMe.


What’s app is very user friendly and allows chatters the opportunity to record voice notes, star messages and upload/download media. It also has a search feature that is super-duper handy.


How Do You Join A Chat?

One option for being in a group chat is to start it yourself. If you are planning a trip or event and want to include multiple people in the planning process, then starting a group chat can be very beneficial. My friends and I do this ALL the time.


Another way of accessing a group chat is to enter by way of a larger association such as MOA Approved, or Which Fetes Yuh Goin’. These groups and many like them, are based on Facebook but form chats that focus on particular events, member location or even television shows. Being in group chats definitely has its perks. Shout out to the MOA Insecure chat #GreatDiscussions


You’re In, Now What?

Introduce yourself (general info & photo)

Be an active participant

Re-evaluate if the chat is right for you

Have fun!


Reasons/Benefits of Joining a Chat 

Meet new people

Obtain Information/Planning assistance

Get Discounts (depending on who’s in your chat)


Downfalls  of Being in a Chat



FOMO/Spend More Money


Are All Group Chats Open to the Public?

NOPE! There are some chats that are strictly private and built only for those individuals with whom it began. Some people may feel left out when they hear of these chats but, if you have a good thing going there’s nothing wrong with protecting your safe space.


Other chats do allow entry but may require a prerequisite such as joining the group on Facebook first or being officially booked for a trip i.e. Ubersoca Cruise.


What Can I Expect?

There are always a number of characters in group chats. Some you will vibe with and some you won’t. Regardless of how you feel about someone you should always be respectful. It’s safe to say that you can expect the following types of chatters in most group chats. For details of each one please refer to the video:


The Pervs

The Lurkers

The Overly Sensitive

The Insensitive

Mr. or Mrs. Opinionated

The Lazy Ones

Scroll Back King/Queen


I quickly learned that some group chats were not for me. Others may have started off well; but, I later excused myself because I knew certain chats were no longer my cup of tea.  I have no intention of stepping away from the chat scene anytime soon. Hell, sometimes people add me to random chats when I least expect it. The relationships that I’ve formed are priceless and quite frankly, it’s the only reason I remain in them. Go get you some!


Thanks for tuning in!