Gone Too Soon: Rest Easy DMX

If you follow me, you know that I am a hardcore Hip-Hop head. I have absolutely no idea what I would have done without 90’s Hip-Hop in my life. To grow up missing out on the Bad Boy empire, the oh-so-unique approach of Outkast, the blended sounds of the Fugees… Without them, and so many others life would have been WACK! I would have been all kinds of lost. What in the world would we have talked about in school if we weren’t talking about Hip-Hop? Ugh! Needless to say, I was deeply saddened to hear that my beloved DMX passed away last week. I remember purchasing his first album with my own coins when I was fifteen, and I listened to it non-stop while on a Girl Scouts camping trip. I felt seen when I heard him rap about 5411’s, because I was surely rocking my 5411’s HARD at the time….they def weren’t a size 7 in girls though lol #realwomenwear10. May his humble soul rest in peace. Long live the growl! 

Podcast Spotlight!

Have you checked out the latest episodes of the T’ingz Nice Podcast? If not, you should! We’re experiencing some serious carnival tabanca and had some recent guests on the show to talk all about the carnivals held in Trinidad, and Jamaica. Click the images on the side to tune in!

Shout out to Ron of LP:TS, and blogger Sandra Manjie for joining me.

The Buy Black Corner...

You may have heard me speak the praises of Village Me Village (VMV) from time to time. If you haven’t, you need to get familiar with this boutique for your own good. If you love unique outfits that you won’t find on everyone else (and their grandmother), this is the spot for you. Take a look at my snazzy hammer pants jumpsuit on the left… VMV hooked me up once again! P.S. It’s a size small.

My girl Tia (the owner) is very selective about the items she places in her boutique. When you get a chance, hop on over to the Village Me Vintage website to get your fly on. I’m a proud VMV customer turned brand ambassador, so if you enter “TINGZNICE21” at checkout you’ll receive a discount off your first purchase. 

If you live in or around the Coral Springs, Florida area be sure to stop by the shop in person. The address is: 7522 Wiles Road. Suite 101B, Coral Springs, FL 33067

I just received my latest package from VMV and am too excited to share with you. Stay tuned…stay fly!

Self Care Central

I’m big on self care. These past few weeks have been a doozy on the professional front, and I had to be intentional about keeping up with my self care practices. The busier life gets, the more centered and grounded I need to be. I dusted off my meditation track, lit some incense and burned candles all day until they were no-more. If you’re looking for calming tunes to get your day started try this 1-hour track on SoundCloud: Relaxing Yoga Background Meditation Music. 

Life Hack Alert!

I know I’m not alone when it comes to this. As I mentioned to the left, it’s been pretty busy in my world. Staring at the dirty dishes in the sink was normalized these past two weeks. To make myself feel a little better I would rinse them, and reorganize them a bit so that it didn’t look as cluttered. How do you do this? Easy… just stack dishes within other dishes in a way that makes sense LOL…and place all the utensils in a cup. BOOM! Laziness magic! 

Mark Your Calendars!

  • All my Hip-Hop heads… don’t miss the 4/20 Verzuz next Tuesday with Redman and Method Man
  • I’m going live with Shondell from @thecraftprint on Thursday,  4/29. We’ll be chatting it up while I teach all the viewers how to make a carnival tiara with feather embellishments. 
  • Before the month is out there will be a special Handmade T’ingz Spring Cleaning sale. Keep alert!

That’s all for now beloveds! Stay safe…
