My friends make fun of me all the time because they know I like to arrive to fetes early. But guess what? I don’t care LOL. I have my reasons for arriving early and I am not ashamed. I’ve listed my reasons below but have also included a short video to help you understand my rationale for being a PROUD on-time feter.
I live in New Jersey. So paying for parking after paying a $12.50 toll is not an option. Additionally, I refuse to waste more gas going in circles to find parking. The earlier I arrive, the more likely it is that Fatimah (my car) will have a safe and temporary home.
Short Lines
A line wrapped around a venue is one of the biggest turn-offs in life. When you reach early this is not an issue unless you’re in line before security starts letting people in LOL (Yes, I’ve been that person).
Space to Wine
If it’s one thing I hate it’s a RAM fete where I can’t dance. If I can’t buss a decent wine what the heck is the point of me being there? Thus, I arrive in good time to shake my tail-feather while there is still room on the dance floor.
Quality Music
The most popular DJs usually play towards the end of any fete. This means that the underrated Djs have their moments of fame in the beginning. Shockingly, I don’t think I’ve ever been let down at the beginning of a fete. It’s the one time you can hear tunes from way-back-when that put a refreshing smile on your face.
Guaranteed Swag
You won’t have to worry about not getting the goodies if you come early. Just because you bought a ticket doesn’t guarantee you the swag. Remember that!
First Dibs
There’s nothing like being one of the first people to dig into the food and beverages. This is especially important at an all-inclusive fete. Who wants to wait until hours later when the lines are going out the door? Not I.
As an influencer I try to be prompt so that I can give you and the rest of my followers a well rounded recap of my experience when it’s over. If I came late I wouldn’t have enough information to give a respectable critique.
Although I am currently in hibernation I look forward to experiencing my next international fete. Just know, if I ever arrive to a fete well beyond the start time, then something went horribly-horribly wrong with my schedule lol.
Thanks for tuning in!