I’m keeping this one short and sweet. Sunny Side Up 2015 gets my approval! I can’t lie, I went in with left over feelings from my past SSU experiences but was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it had to do with my later-than-normal arrival or maybe it was great from the beginning. I will never know.
to find parking was a task and a half but we made it happen. All those cars meant that the place was probably packed already. But the question was, how packed? Yall know I don’t like congested fetes. We finally stepped on the scene around 3:30PM and it was RAM. My red flag went up quick. Not 15 seconds in the fete and I was already saying a whole heap of “excuse me’s” as we try to make our way through the crowd. Unfortunately? I lost the crew because I kept bucking into friends left and right. Errrrrbody was up in dere! After a tedious walk through I finally my posse by the front of the stage; thankfully, up there was a lil more spacious. As I told y’all before, people are afraid of center stage for some reason. So if you want room in future fetes you know where to go. Once we reunited it was non stop vibes. I was having such a good time I didn’t even bother to approach the foam.
Shortly thereafter, all the early birds started making their way out allowing us much more breathing and wining room. The party officially ended around 7:00PM and we limed in the venue for a lil bit before heading to the car. It was a refreshing experience. Job well done SSU! You have made up for lost fun times.
Sha Sha signing out nice…