Showing 120 Result(s)

On the road with Xuvo Carnival

Okay, don’t shoot. I know this post is late AF. Yeah, yeah. BIM done passed, Antigua carnival come and gone, and Spicemas just wrapped up. Ah well! Life was happening and your girl wasn’t feeling the greatest. That extravagant recap I had planned for y’all…well, just say goodbye lol. But, have no fear! Unno have …


Getting Carnival Fit

Disclaimer: This is a tough love blog post. I am not a health professional nor am I trying to be. The information provided in this article is strictly common sense. I’m sharing tips that many of you are probably already aware of, but prefer to ignore for whatever reason.     Whenever there’s a carnival approaching …


The On-Time Feter

My friends make fun of me all the time because they know I like to arrive to fetes early. But guess what? I don’t care LOL. I have my reasons for arriving early and I am not ashamed. I’ve listed my reasons below but have also included a short video to help you understand my …