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FCR Cover
Carnival, Fete Card Revoked, Podcast, Social Distancing

Ep. 17 Introducing Carnival Crown Revoked

Disclaimer: I changed the name of the installment shortly after publishing the episode. I discovered that the term “Fete Card Revoked” was being used by another brand. New t’ingz a gwaaaan! Introducing the first episode of Carnival Crown Revoked, the carnival culture game show exclusively on Nice-ish! I don’t know about you, but ideas are …

Episode 12 Cover
Carnival, Fetes, Podcast, Uncategorized

Ep. 12: Life During Rona

The New Normal In this episode we discuss: What I’ve been up to during these isolated times My feelings regarding the postponed carnivals The benefits of isolation Worry warts vs. realists Information junkies vs. need to know hermits Suggestions on how to entertain yourself while isolated New music releases Podcast recommendations Home workout resources Online …